Valérie Loichot. « Le Tout-Art d’Édouard Glissant » Cet essai, qui oscille entre mots et...
Auteur - Valérie Loichot

Author of Orphan Narratives: The Postplantation Literatures of Faulkner, Glissant, Morrison, and Saint-John Perse (University of Virginia Press, 2007) and The Tropics Bite Back: Culinary Coups in Caribbean Literature (University of Minnesota Press, 2013). She also directed a special issue of La Revue des Sciences humaines in honor of her former mentor Édouard Glissant (Entours d’Édouard Glissant, Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2013).
In addition, Loichot has authored numerous articles on Caribbean literature and culture, Southern literature, creolization theory, transatlantic studies, feminism and exile, and food studies published in journals including Callaloo, Études francophones, French Cultural Studies, The French Review, The International Journal of Francophone Studies, Mississippi Quarterly, and Small Axe: A Caribbean Platform for Criticism.
She is now at work on her third book entitled Caribbean Creolization in the United States: from Lafcadio Hearn to Barack Obama.
Professor Loichot was a Visiting Professor at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier III in 2011.